It is a wet, rainy day here at The Garage! I did an alignment today on a BMW 540i that had been in an accident. A local body shop had done a lot of suspension work on it, and now it was up to me to make sure it was ready to hit the road. BMW and Mercedes Benz call for very specific alignment specifications on their cars, including placing exact amounts of weight inside the car at certain points to compress the suspension and simulate actual driving conditions. Luckily, here at The Garage I have all the tools I need to perform an alignment just like they do at the R&D department at the factory. I was able to get the car back in alignment, just like it was when it was new.
BMW & Mercedes Benz Wheel Alignment
Filed Under: Daily Repairs Tagged With: air conditioning, auto repair, Bmw, brakes, Montecito, Santa Barbara, service, The Garage, tune up
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